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Supporting a young person through their mental health journey can be a challenging journey for you also. But you don't have to do it alone. We're currently working on a brand new podcast and a series of videos to help you along the way. 

In the meantime, below are some great resources to explore that can help equip and support you as you journey alongside your young person! (We're updating these regularly so check back soon.)

A tool to help parents reflect on and support the wellbeing of their young people and identify actions that can be taken to build resilience. 


The Australian National Centre of Excellence in Posttraumatic Mental Health. Their website is full of great resources, including this page on helping children and teenagers after a traumatic experience.

Head to Health is a collaboration between the Australian Department of Health, the community, and the mental health sector. It's filled with a wide variety of resources to help you and your young person with mental health and wellbeing.

Recommended podcast episodes

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